Check with local stores but they often need golf clubs, ice skates, lacrosse equipment and other gear. 联系一下本地商店,不过它们通常都需要高尔夫球具、溜冰鞋、曲棍球器材和其他的一些装备。
Our company are specialised in manufacturing various kinds of golf, Golf cart, equipment supplies to practice and mechanical equipment supplies in the Golf course. 我司专业生产各类高尔夫球、高尔夫球车,练习场设备用品,球场机械设备用品。
There are also features on golf courses around the world and tons of advertisements and reviews on the latest equipment. 那里也有全世界高尔夫比赛专题报导和很多广告还有评论在最新的装备。
In consideration of the current order book status and a competitive market environment, the management maintains a cautious but confident view for a further strengthened golf equipment business going forward. 以目前订单状况及市场竞争环境而言,管理层对未来进一步强化高尔夫球棒业务,维持审慎而具信心的态度。
TaylorMade adidas Golf is the world's leading provider of golfing equipment, including golf clubs, balls, clothing shoes and accessories. 泰勒梅-阿迪达斯,是处于全球领导地位的高尔夫球装备供应商,产品包括高尔夫球杆、球、服装、鞋和配件。
Unlike other sports, such as golf or skiing, it doesn't require any expensive equipment and you don't have to spend money every time you want to do it. 跑步运动不像高尔夫和滑雪,它根本不需要任何昂贵的装备。每次想跑的时候你根本就不用花钱。
In either case, the gross profit margin of golf equipment sales is affected as the higher selling price reflects only the material cost increase. 在以上两个情况下,提高售价亦只能反映物料价增长,因此高尔夫球器材销售的边际利润会受到影响。
I bought all my golf equipment from a specialist shop. 我全部的高尔夫器材都是在专卖店买的。
Golf is undergoing many changes, and the debates concerning golf course design, club equipment advances and ball technology will always be heard in the clubhouse. 高尔夫正经历着诸多的变化。在会所,我们总是能听到一些关于高尔夫球场设计,球场维护设备升级,以及打球技术的讨论。
The rapid growth of golf also brought the significant development golf course construction, the sale of golf clothing and equipment, tourism, real estate and service industry. 同时,高尔夫运动的快速发展也带动了高尔夫球场建造、高尔夫服装与球具销售、旅游业、房地产、综合服务业等其他相关产业的巨大发展。